Monday 25 April 2016

Dark Souls III
Vordt of The Boreal Valley

The Watchdog of The Boreal Valley

To descend from the realm of Lothric, one must first pass through the gate at the base of the castle. Were it that easy all who pass would make it to the Undead Settlement. But then no challenge worth doing has ever been easy...

To a seasoned player of the Souls series encountering Vordt will not come as a surprise at all. In fact to be able to meander through a gate without getting your head taken off would be more surprising. Which is why when you hear the Boreal Watchdog roar you feel assured that Dark Souls 3 hasn't grown complacent and missed an opportunity to humiliate players the world over.

Vordt is not that hard of a boss, staying near his legs is a viable and good strategy. His real deadly moves come into play during the second half of the fight where he can now inflict frostbite which slows stamina recovery. As boss battles go he remains fun and a decent challenge to players everywhere.

Next up the Undead Settlement and......a big tree.....not even kidding. Wish I was though.

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