Wednesday 17 May 2017

New Direction

Alright so. I know its been a while since I posted anything. You should know that I have several reviews waiting in the wings and that I have adopted a new style of writing, one with more zaz to it. Google is telling me Zaz isn't a word thats fine, I can't really think of a better word right now.......Oh wait hang on. New writing style has more flair. Ah that's better google likes that one. Ok. 

Where is this going? Well I am moving my reviews to a new place. You can find older entries here but I am moving to Tumblr, mostly because its more popular and more people, specifically actual game's writers are more likely to see it. And yes I know that Tumblr has a weird edge to it but seems to me if you want to get noticed this is probably the place to start.

Hopefully I have a job soon. Its all kinda up in the air at the moment, we'll see soon though. Anyways come have a gander, I am still getting used to Tumblr so there is a lot I have to learn. See you soon. 

Link to my Tumblr page:

Critique is encouraged if I want to improve which I do. I know some things will need improving so try not to be too scathing. 

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