Monday 7 September 2015

Calling All Hunter's


So here's the thing. Right now I find myself playing through MGS5, by the way amazing game defiantly doing a review on it later, but when I've finished on it I intend to return to the realm of Monster Hunting for a while.

Now I have a few friends who like playing Monster Hunter and thats great, but I've always wanted a more steady hunting party. Now I won't always be available to play MH4U as real world stuff gets in the way i.e. work, writing up on here, reading, socialising etc etc. But for those of you who read this and play MH4U consistently know that I am on the lookout for a group.

Monster Hunter has become a favourite of mine and while it is fun playing alone, you can get more satisfaction from working as a group. I am looking to raise my HR and get generally better at the game. I've been watching some videos for MHX and it looks amazing, however Capcom haven't said wether or not their going to be releasing MHX for the west yet, I mean it seems likely given their track record but then again Frontier online never saw the light of day in the west.

If your interested in forming a group then I am HR6. Leave a comment or send me an email if your interested and I'll provide my friend code and Skype details. 

Side note

Me and my friends have been talking about starting a youtube channel, I am currently looking at recording equipment so stay tuned for more details on that. 

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