Saturday 23 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters
Beginning and Ludwig

Chapter 1: Into the Nightmare

The world of the old hunters is a mess. Were my initial thoughts as I stepped out into the hunter’s nightmare. Pale disfigured hills spread out as far as the eye could see; the sky was a somber orange as if the sun was setting on the hunt. I followed an incline upwards being weary of my surroundings and saw two beast’s walk up the hill ahead of me. As I followed them a hunter, wielding a weapon I hadn't seen before, stepped out from behind a statue. He swung the weapon, the beast cutter a heavy version of the threaded cane, at the beasts and slew them immediately. The hunter waited a few brief moments, my own heart raced as I approached him aware in my mind of how notoriously difficult hunter battles were. The hunter didn't waste time with pleasantries and swung at me. I took the blow and with it half of my health. Rolling away I healed quickly but the hunter was already in pursuit, leaping forward and bringing the heavy bludgeon to smash down on my characters supple head. The result? My first death in the Old Hunters DLC and a good reminder of a fact my cocky, prideful self had forgot. Bloodborne doesn't mess around. 

After some more attempts I eventually made it to the chapel in which you fight Vicar Amelia. Along the way I was treated to a myriad number of hunters all wielding different and deadly weapons, ranging from a burial blade saw cleaver to a hammer that ignited in flame when struck, a product from the minds of the powder keg heretics. After avoiding some of the more powerful monsters, one of which was basically Cthulhu with a humungous axe, I arrived at what would be the beginning of cathedral ward in Yharnam only there was a river of blood below. I finally got my taste of the powder kegs hammer when I found a version for myself. As I continued on I started to exercise more caution, old habits of Bloodborne sank back in. But ever the trickster Bloodborne shoved more encounters on me that I just wasn't ready for. 

Chapter 2: Ludwig, The Holy Blade

After a hard slog through the river of blood, a multitude of hunters and several large spiders from Cainhurst I arrived at the boss gate. I already knew what lay beyond. Fearing for my safety I summoned Confederate Valtr, the beast eater, to help me in the fight. A short cutscene played in which a mangled corpse said 

" us..Ah. An unsightly beast...A great terror looms! Ahh...Ludwig the Accursed is coming. Have mercy...Have mercy upon us..."

He's terrifying. Even with Valtr nearby I felt completely outmatched. Ludwig looming over my character wasting no time to rush in and sweep at me with his claws, tearing away a portion of my health. I get back up and heal; Valtr helps by drawing agro away from me. I rush in and attack, a few lucky blows but I stay weary. I know how quickly overconfidence can shift to death in Bloodborne. But a continued chain of blows saw him on his way as Valtr helped whittle him down to half of his health. My confidence grew; we can do this I thought. 

At half health a cutscene played. I knew it was to good to be true. Ludwig would not stay in that form throughout the fight. The cutscene played and Ludwig looked to his side, embedded in the ground next to him was a sword. 

"Aha, you were at my side, all along. My true guiding moonlight."

He now stood on his hind legs, with a glimmering emerald blade in both hands. My own version of this sword, Ludwig's holy blade, felt like a cheap imitation. It glowed with ethereal brilliance, and I knew the whole tone of the battle had changed. The music, Ludwig's personality, His attacks. It was all new. He raised his blade high causing an AOE attack and killed Valtr, before I had a moment to process that he swung down and the attack that followed looked like Squalls blasting zone. With that I stopped, put down the controller and lamented over how difficult the fight was and how incredible it was at the same time. 

And once again Bloodborne showed me why it was one of my favorite games of all time. I smiled at the loss, but like all great fights its not about how beaten down you get its about how you stand back up. 

"I'll be back for round two later, Ludwig" I thought. 

To be continued...

Hey people. Thought I'd try something new. Sorry if this seemed weird and out the blue, but I wanted to combine a story of how I played the old hunters and my own experiences rather than write a review for it. In a way it’s kind of like one. This is how I am going to do the old hunters for now. You know, when I finish it obviously........its really difficult. Good job From. Thanks as always, see you soon!