Friday 5 September 2014

Fifteen game trailers that are memorable
(And downright awesome)
Some of my favourite one's

Advertising is a big part of...well any company no matter what they sell, wether its food, technology, clothing, medicine you name it, they've done it. It goes without saying that to capture the attention of any one you have to have a catchy trailer. This is just a little tidbit on some of the best game trailers that I've seen. Ones that were so enthralling and blew my mind that I wanted to instantly go out and buy said game, and sometimes I did just that. So without further adieu. 

Quick note, these are not in any particular order of which I think is the best, all the trailers in here are amazing in their own right. 

Number 15

Megaman Zero series was one that resinated with me in a big way. Ever since I discovered the series some 9 years ago, I've been hocked on it. The principle of the game, the story, the struggle between good and evil both apparent and not so. It is a rather juvenile series obviously, but for the hardcore fans and those that remember the very first time they ever saw Zero and were enthralled by him, this is certainly one game in the series you shouldn't miss. 

Megaman Zero 4 brings an end to the Zero series, as the struggle between the resistance and Neo arcadia becomes more heated, a small Caravan group of humans decide to leave the safety and comfort of Neo arcadia and try their luck in area zero, a natural forest area (and as far as i can remember one of the last pieces of unspoilt land in a world populated by humans and robots called Reploids.) 

Zero's mission: Defeat Doctor Wile and bring an end to his mad scheming once and for all. The final epic instalment of the  series brings together all the best bits of the previous one's with some new mechanics that can change the flow of the game all together. 

What attracted me to the trailer? Well I'll be honest the 12 year old me loved the music. It got me pumped for the end of this amazing series. Looking back on it now though...its pretty cheesy, but at the time I was captivated by the struggle that zero went through, the fight to prove that humans had their place in the world while he himself was a reploid  Megaman Zero 4 is a brilliant game, wether your looking for nostalgia or just to have a fast paced game. 

Number 14

Let's be honest for a moment. Nearly all Assassin's creed trailers are filled to the brim with free running, awesome combat and inspiring dialog and or music. Unity is no exception to the rule. The trailer easily redefines the series by using familiar elements but bringing a new twist to an otherwise linear formula. 

Out of all AC games so far, this one is the big hitter. The one that in terms of story and characters seems far more appealing than black flag. Don't get me wrong AC black flag; huge improvement over AC 3 but I didn't connect well with Edward Kenway. It always seemed to me that he danced at the edge of being someone important when really he played second fiddle to a lot of the other leading characters. 

Arno, thankfully, isn't some brash cocky pirate, he respects the order and the people within it. Having said that though Arno's character is still shrouded in relative mystery, wether or not he will be the embodiment of good or wether he will actually help the revolution is yet to be seen. 

During the trailer we witness a struggle between the people of France and the Aristocracy that threatens their way of life. Now I don't know much about the french revolution but it looks…pretty brutal. What does this trailer do well? In comparison to AC 4 it gives us a sense of duty, of wanting to help a waning power take hold over a corrupt society. That and the ass kicking plus (though I am not a fan) Lorde's version of "Tears for fears" really helps to pace the trailer as it comes to its, understated, bloody conclusion. 

This is looking great by the way. Most interested I've been since brotherhood. 

Number 13

Dragon age 2, isn't an rpg that I actually played and while I think that its a good series it never interested me enough to hold my attention. Having said that…the trailer for Dragon age 2 is good. It shows the baseness of the game without, sacrificing anything about the story so that while we are intrigued by it, it gives us the starting point to make the viewer want to buy it. 

So why do I like the trailer so much if I haven't played the game? I like most things action and at the time it seemed appealing to see a different take on a warrior than most other games. I.e. He used something akin to magic which might mean the character isn't entirely a warrior, maybe a mage knight.

The trailer itself is full of most normal rpg troupes. The solitary bad guy proves his ability by slaying everyone else single handedly, solitary good guy challenges him for nondescript hero reasons and then beats his ass. 

Its a little cliche, but it did draw me in to the world of dragon age even if it was for a rather cursory glance. Even so the trailer is full of action and helps solidify its place in rpg corner. 

Number 12

God. Damn. Friggin. Dark. Souls.

Is a phrase you'll likely hear a lot when you explore the annuls of this monstrously difficult rpg. Death and destruction, life and rebirth all very common themes in the souls series. Dark souls 2 doesn't hold back when it comes to difficulty, seriously it lays it on don't ever go wandering into Dark souls thinking that you won't die because you will. A lot. And for those of you who actually don't die, I hate you. 
Aside from that the one thing that has always gripped me about Dark souls is the sense of hopelessness that hangs over all the areas you visit, over all the people you encounter. Like they're all on the verge of giving up. And it is that desolation, that all to funny feeling that something is waiting around the next corner that makes Dark souls into what it is.

This trailer does a good job of showing us just what your in for. Out numbered, out manoeuvred that is what the trailer does well to represent. The all to real hopelessness that is Dark souls. Haven't put you off it have I?

Number 11

Some might argue that this instalment of Resi Evil is a blip, on an otherwise sound radar. It's not the best. No, seriously, its pretty bad. And not bad in a good way, just….bad. Personal preference,agree to disagree. Anyway.

Resident Evil has maintained a relatively good line up of games and while the scare factor has been replaced a little with action its still appealing. Maybe bigger fans of the series than myself (seeing as I am pretty much a newcomer to the series) will disagree. This individual game tells the tale of what happened after racoon city fell to the zombie virus (forgive me if I am wrong like I said, newcomer). A covert team is sent in to destroy any evidence of umbrella's involvement. Suffice to say, seeing as there are a whole load of games afterwards, they didn't do a great job. 

The trailer makes the game look really appealing. A group of bad guys chase down police witnesses to the zombie problem while another faction enters the city to help any civilians who survived. It all comes to ahead when the two groups clash and obviously, with the racket their causing, attract the "local wildlife". Its not the best that capcom have to offer but not the worst either. Unfortunately this is one of those cases where an impressive trailer can't save the final product.

Number 10

Probably my favourite instalment in the series so far as it did a fantastic job of shining light on some rather big questions, however as is Kingdom hearts style, it left a lot of new information with us and even more mystery. As someone who has played all titles to date I have to say that just "jumping in" to the series is pretty much impossible, as there is a lot of information to cover. Kingdom hearts and its lore is pretty big.

Birth by sleep introduced us to three apprentice Keyblade wielders. Two of whom are taking the "Mark of mastery" exam, to prove themselves worthy of the key blades true power. Long story short, it doesn't go swimmingly. Birth by sleep brings new mechanics to the game which have lasted up until the latest instalment. Although it seems that Square enix have opted to return to KH 2 style of gameplay (or at least in some part).

Kingdom hearts has a habit of saying much without saying a lot and it often raises more questions than it answers. Which is why the story line can be confusing to an outsider or newcomer to the series. And birth by sleep doesn't act to rectify the ambiguous nature of kingdom hearts cryptic messages.

Still having said that. With ever new trailer the hype intensifies, I remember watching this trailer when I was fifteen and loved it. Now after watching it again, I am looking for my copy of Birth by sleep to remember the thrill of playing it for the first time. 

Number 9

Don't think that I've ever played anything Tom Clancy based before. Thats about to change.

The division looks to be a step in the right direction and hopefully will help to become an independent series away from the rest of splinter cell. Not that those games are bad, but its always nice to see diversity and change. 

A haunting and extremely well done trailer. And a perfect way to show exactly what the Narrator is saying, turn away from it and its never there, look and its all around you. Not gonna lie, when I see unity and camaraderie such as what is displayed here I can't help but get goose bumps which is why the division is looking to be such a good title. Especially as the title of the game could have two meanings, The division is a group of soldiers who were given the directive "save what remains" and it can also refer to the very apparent divide that has surfaced between people. 

This is defiantly one to watch as Tom Clancy still brings the bucks even from beyond. May he rest in peace. (Yes I know Tom Clancy had no input but still)

Number 8

Jumping into a series from the third instalment isn't generally a good idea however Crysis 3 didn't exactly hide anything. Of course there backstory isn't all that hard to find or even explain. And while I am not exactly sure what sort of wrap it got when it was released, I've heard some mixed reviews on it. Having played it myself I can't say I am all too fond of it.

Its still a beautiful game none the less and its a testament to FPS's everywhere. Making use of some unique features that are reminiscent of something like Halo. These trailers sell the game really well and its still majestic and interesting even if you don't particularly enjoy it (like myself). Not much else to say really, watch the trailers and witness the massacre that is Crysis 3 (Massacre in a good way, the trailers are pretty impressive).

Number 7

What happens when you put a corrupt politician, a plague that threatens the safety of every person in a city, a supernatural voodoo gentleman and a royal guard turned assassin who is just dang tired of it all? 

The answer would be dishonored and the problem would be Corvo Attano. In this stealth/action/adventure game you explore the city of Dunwall to clear your name for being wrongfully accused of killing the empress and kidnapping her daughter. 

Yeah the s**** really hits the fan early. And while the trailer is a convincing, and mostly shows a lot of mechanics that made it into the main game (Most trailers show stuff that never appears in the main game), it has one flaw. "Revenge solves everything" brings you to a bad ending, so it seems that phrase is only for those who don't mind all the murder. But lets be honest, when you come up with creative ways to murder your opposition don't you just want to show off even a little bit?

Arguably one of the best games I've ever played and I can't oversell it enough. So I won't, its up to you to decide wether you like it or not. 

Number 6

Probably the most anticipated game of this year, given all the hype around it and having played it first hand I can assure you the hype is well founded. Lets take a step back for a moment and look at the events that bring Destiny about. Earthlings take their first step onto the planet mars, the planet is as barren as usual, without much life here or there. After a brief walk however the astronauts discover a huge planet sized sphere tentatively named The Traveller. This sentient object pushes humanity into a golden age from which they develop all sorts of new technology, are able to colonise on planets such as saturn and mars and the traveller brings one more gift that humans weren't expecting. The Darkness. No, not the video game. Another unseen entirety that helpfully, like most catastrophes, reminds humanity of the scope of their goal and the futility in trying.

The Darkness brings with it a whole host of alien warriors seeking to take what it was the humans built and they are as diverse as they come, from the spider armed alien pirates known as the Fallen to the robot alien race, the Vex. These creatures are coming to take what was ours or to reclaim what they thought was theirs. But if there is one thing that humanity is good at its surviving. And that in a nutshell is where the story of the Guardians (the player controlled character) comes in.

If I sounded a bit too enthusiastic about Destiny then I apologise, I won't lie this is looking to be one of the best games I will ever play and probably many others think in the same way as well. Given the success of Halo, and to no small extent how well Destiny has done based on its numbers even before its released, it seems safe to say that this could very well be the birth of something great.

Number 5

Another widely renowned and well known series is Super Smash Bros and personally speaking I am looking forward to this instalment the most out of all the other's so far. Mostly because some of my favourite characters are going to be in it, but also because if Kid icarus uprising was anything to go off of then we already know the new Smash Bros is going to be great. Its hard to pick just one trailer which exemplifies why I am looking forward to this, but this is one that stood out the most for me. 

Riding the success of Fire emblem Awakening come Robin and Lucina two pivotal characters from the game, for the purposes of spoiler prevention I won't explain why they're important. Just know that they are absolutely badass. 

Fire emblem is a great SRPG and these two are fantastic additions to the smash bros roster.

Number 4 

First off. I don't claim to know a single thing about League of Legends, whatsoever. Second this next trailer exemplifies some of the best CGI combat choreography I've ever seen.

League of legends is one of these series that I've always heard about but never really had enough interest in. That being said, it doesn't seem too be a game that has a bad rep or maybe I am looking in the wrong places for criticism. Anyway here's the trailer.

Obviously Riot games have come along way since the inception of this cult classic and if you look at some of their earlier content you can see what I mean. Its always gratifying and fun to watch trailers like this even if you don't want to become invested in the game itself. 

As someone who likes the flow of battles no matter what form they come in this is a perfectly executed example of what both CGI can accomplish and what a game is capable of. So lets give LOL a big round of applause eh. No takers?. Alright then.

Number 3

Waiting half a decade for a game is a pretty long time and apparently we may have to wait a little longer. But square seem sure that 2015 is the best time for Final Fantasy XV (15). Lets hope to god they're right.

In recent years Final Fantasy has pushed the whole role playing genre to the edge and now with the most recent games we begin to ask when does a turn based rpg become a run around beat em up. FF XV looks to be pushing not just the limits of the term turn based rpg but also the limits of the series as a whole. And while many are not appreciative of the changes made to the series, I eagerly await this next instalment both to see how good it is and also to see if my trust in square enix is great fully returned. Suffice to say, if this game goes south then tables will be flipped. 

At this point the thing that is driving any hardcore fan is faith. Faith that square will be able to turn around what has been a proverbial black mark on their reputation and deliver everything the trailer promises. 

And while most may not like the direction FF has taken, I for one, can't wait to see how this turns out because if this trailer is anything to go off then this should be one of the best FF titles in years. Lets hope. Oh god let us hope. 

Number 2

Hideo Kojima man, what a boss. Metal gear solid is a series that I am fond of and while I am not a die hard fan I can say this much, the phantom pain is going to be brilliant. 

Focusing once again on the story of Big Boss, the phantom pain takes place after Ground zeroes and the destruction of mother base. The game is set 9 years after Ground zeroes seeing as Big boss awakes from a coma in hospital with a new prosthetic arm. With the intention of hunting down the ones responsible for Mother bases destruction Big boss now cod named "Venom Snake" sets out once more into the world of MGS.

So whats so impressive about this new title? Um everything. A new expansive sandbox experience is what MGS the phantom pain is promising and I have to say after watching numerous trailers on the gameplay its one of these high priority titles that is defiantly going to be good. 

Don't take my word for it though. And if this is the first MGS title that your likely to play, part of me would criticise you for jumping in at the fifth game while another part of me would tell you that this is a good place to start. Either way MGS 5 The Phantom Pain looks impressive and if Kojima is as good as his word then this is a game you defiantly shouldn't miss.

Number 1

Words cannot accurately describe what my feelings are for this. Its not often that I am 100% blown away and so taken by a game that no doubt in my mind remains as to whether or not it will be good. Hyper Light Drifter was introduced to me by a friend, and having initially dismissed it without watching the trailer I went back and watched it.

If your looking for a 16 something bit game that reminds you of the classical generation of early consoles and gaming then look no further than Hyper Light Drifter, for it is a thing of utter beauty. HLD has a lot of tropes from previous gaming series that it adapts to make its own unique blend of gameplay and if you pay close enough attention you can see a lot of familiarity in it.

Everything about Hyper Light Drifter seems perfect in my eyes but then again I am quite the stubborn person who dislikes finding faults in games and tends to look at the bigger picture. To some this game will not appeal at all, to others this may be the greatest nostalgia kick in decades no matter what way your leaning wether your on the fence or not HLD is shaping up to be a mind blowing indie title. Too enthusiastic? Yeah a little bit. 

And that's it. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this….this…..whatever this is. My ramblings!! There we go thats the right word. Hope you've enjoyed reading. Pleases post criticism or your own opinions below. No name calling eh, lets try to act like adults. And yes I am not always great with grammar so if your gonna say something about it don't be a dick about it just point it out.

Honourable Mentions

Stuff that I enjoyed that didn't make it in here. Either because I didn't like it enough or because I Only remembered about it after I was done writing. No description just some brilliant trailers. Enjoy!